The Blanton Family



The Blanton family can trace their ancestry all the way back to the Mayflower! If you've not done that at family reunion yet, you're missing out. With technology today, however, we've found a simple way to keep up with our ancestry, and we'd love for you to take part in it. We have created an account through Geni, to build a family tree that has incorporated over 200 members of the family thus far! In order to join, you must be added by a current member at the correct place in the timeline, and then join via email invite from a current member.

It's as easy as 1-2-3! All you need to do to join is follow three simple steps.

1) Click on the "Contact" tab above.

2) Fill in the form and tell us where you belong in the family timeline. Type "Add to Geni" as your subject line.

3) When you receive an email invite from Geni, join and create your account!

We'll be adding people as quickly as we can, so be patient once you've submitted your form. Soon you'll be a part of this ever-growing picture!

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